Family Law
Dupuy Law Firm is here for all of your family law needs. Whether you are thinking about filing for divorce, or want to enforce your parental rights, we are here to help you enforce your rights and get the justice you and your loved ones deserve.

Metro Detroit's Leading Family Law Firm
Dupuy Law Firm has over 15 years of experience handling family law matters in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb Counties. We understand if you need a family law attorney that you are most likely going through a difficult time. We are here to protect your rights and make sure that you get what is due. Whether you are contemplating divorce, or want to enforce your visitation with your kids, Dupuy Law Firm will fight for you each step of the way.
Some of our family law services:
Divorce: Divorce is one of the most challenging experiences someone can go through in their lifetime. The process is full of emotion and is often highly contested between the parties. It can be difficult to see your way out of these challenging times. Dupuy Law Firm is here to make sure that your property rights and parental rights are enforced to the fullest extent.
The following issues are commonly at the center of the divorce process:​
Division of Assets: In Michigan, real estate and personal property including bank accounts are typically divided 50/50 between the parties. This is often the case even if one party works and the other one doesn't because the the stay at home party typically has other duties and responsibilities besides work, which usually includes raising the children.
Parenting Time: In a perfect world, the parties can agree on which party gets parenting time with the children on which days. However, this is often not the case, so it's important to have experienced counsel on your side to make sure that you get the time with your children that you deserve.
Child Support: In Michigan, there is a child support formula that determines what the parties' relative financial obligations are. The determination is based on each party's income and the amount of overnights the parties have with the children. ​​​
- Child Custody:​​ Sometimes child custody issues arise after parties have been divorced for a few years. Other times child custody becomes an issue when the parents are unmarried, and one parent is not allowing the other parent to see the child on a regular basis. A party may feel that the other parent is behaving in a way that is dangerous to the minor child's well-being. Or maybe a parent's work schedule has changed, so that it's necessary to ask the judge to modify the parenting time schedule. Whatever the case may be, Dupuy Law Firm will make sure that you are able to see your child as often as you would like, within the legal bounds of Michigan's child custody laws.
Child Support: Child support issues typically arise when two people have a child together and never got married. One parent typically feels that the other party is not paying their fair share in support of raising the child or children. In this case, an action is filed in the circuit court for the county where the Often times it is necessary to have the child support amount changed, because the parties' income has changed over time, or the amount of overnights has changed. children live. Having experienced counsel is important to make sure that you are not paying more than your fair share and/or that the other party is paying what is owed to you.
Call today for a free case evaluation.